There are also foreground and background visuals in each level that keep the environments interesting. Each area of the world has its own theme which runs pretty consistently through the area you are playing in. Graphics – 9/10 The graphics in this game are some of the best for the console in spite of being one of the earliest games designed for it. I don’t have evidence to back that up but if I got a game of this quality with a new console I would be more inclined to buy a newer console. I think the success of the game actually helped to fuel purchases of the SNES console.

It would seem that since this game was packaged with the SNES basically since the SNES came out that it wouldn’t have been that great of a game (I find a lot of the packaged games are average at best) but this game is one that didn’t fit that mold. There is very little disadvantage to dying though. Level design is so unique and difficult at times that it can take multiple tries just to beat 1 part of a level. The execution of the game however is so much more interesting than that. You have obstacles in the map that prevent you from getting there while also getting power ups and help from Yoshi’s. You need to get from one side of the map to the other before the time runs out. The premise of the game is extremely simple. I’m not talking just for the SNES but gaming in general. Super Mario World Review by: geeogree - 9.9/10 Super Mario World - Greatest 2D Platformer Ever Super Mario World is by far one of the best games ever made.